Life In 5th Grade!
Hey 4th Grade get ready to be in 5th Grade with all the coolest teachers yet! My Life In 5th Grade is a lot more challenging than 4th Grade so i try too push my self but i get know where fast, 5th Grade Will probley help u the most in life because your digging real deep into new things like sience and math i know im not too good at spelling because the computer don’t like me but all i ca say about 5th grade is that is more challenging than any intermediate grade yet! And when 4th grade moves up they’re the new top dogs while we are the lame kids agian lol! But really so far 5th Grade looks like a blast!!!
-Miller Maines Red #12
Rocket Larkspur
The Rocket Larkspur’s scientific classification name is Raunuculaceae. It’s scientific name is Depliaiumajacis! It live;s every were in the United State’s! General information about the flower: The Rocket Larkspur grow’s too be 3-4 feet tall, and bloom’s through April and September! It’s color is shaded pink, white, and deep blue!
-Miller, out!