Life on Mars

Life on Mars

Some people thought it was impossible to create the future in the present, but I thought otherwise. My name is Max Callahan and I’m going to create … life on mars!

Bam! My crew and I started to open the door to a new type of life … Mars! I never knew that things were so orange and dusty and deserted. As soon as we all jumped out of the shuttle, Jack and Tommy both got straight to work, just like the other 97 people. Jack was the head constructor and the one who owns Rex our metal dragon to protect us from any type of danger. Jack was always busy working on the houses we were all going to live in, so I decided to show him something I had been working on at NASA. It was a constructing robot that could build anything smaller than a school in less than two hours! Since the houses Jack was building were small, the robot would finish it in less than 30 minutes! I gave Jack my robot and he was relieved that he could actually rest. “Thanks Max!” Jack Said “No Problem bud!” I said. we all decided to go eat lunch and leave the robot to work.

A new shipment from NASA had just arrived bringing building supplies and more food like meats, drinks, and vegetables. After we finished eating and unloading the shipment, my robot had built five houses and two base shelters. I would have never thought that my robot could actually pull this off! Jack was so excited to see the interior of the houses that he ran into the house’s and stayed in there for about ten minutes.

Rex was looking tired so I decided to put him inside the shuttle to rest and charge his battery. I was walking back to Jack then a huge roar filled the planet. Jack and Tommy both ran to the shuttle leaving the ninety-eight of use panicking . None of us knew what had made that loud sound except Jack and Tommy. Jack told everyone to get into the to get into the base shelters. Jack had released Rex for battle. Jack had jumped out of the shuttle with a black staff, but soon to become a blazing fire of green. “Whoa!” I said in shock,”Ha Ha!” laughed Jack at my reaction. Tommy climbed to the top of the shuttle with a giant see through pipe. Bam! The pipe light up with the essence of krypton- plasma,”It’s time Jack!” Tommy said, Jack nodded and lifted his sword. The monster emerged from the black sky. It was an Alien Dragon two times the size of Rex. The battle had begun.

Tommy knew what needed to happen to take it down. Tommy shot once at each wing, tearing them off with one blast. Rex took off high into the air and ballistic dove towards the dragon knocking it over and leaving Jack the perfect time to do his part. Jack had shot into the air and with one slice, the Dragon’s head had been removed from the rest of its body. Tommy leaped down and told me to tell the citizens that it was safe to come out of the shelters. Tommy ran over to Jack who gone on both knees and stared at the Dragon. Tommy thought that Jack had been hurt, but Jack had sat there in silence. “We did it Tommy! We did it!” Jack said “Yes sir we did!” Tommy said in a cheerful way!

I knew it was possible to create to future in the present, so I did. Don’t let anything step in the way of your goal, no matter what.