Lessons Learned in the Holocaust

In this paragraph I learned how Adolf became to hate Jews. While studying the Holocaust, I Learned that Adolf Hitler was not born in Germany but born in Austria and despised Jews for what happened earlier in his life. When Adolf was a boy he loved to draw, but one day when his father saw him drawing he burnt all of his artwork he had been working on for three months straight. When Adolf’s father died in a car crash due to drunk driving his mother and Adolf went to a art camp and his artwork was noticed by other Austrian people. When the camp leaders told Adolf’s mother about his work he was soon sent to a very private art camp for only the elite artists could go, Adolf was very pleased with the opportunity to go to such a camp. When adolf had drawn a picture for one of the camp leaders she told Adolf that he had no artistic skill in him whatsoever. Adolf went home that day hating the camp leader and found out later in his life that she was a Jew. That is how Adolf Hitler began to hate Jews because of just one issue with only one Jew, he started to hate every Jew he saw. That is why Adolf Hitler forced Jews to the extreme death, just because of one Jew. If that one Jew had told Adolf his artwork was good or even said, ‘We can help you get better!’ imagine how the world might been if that one Jew had not disrespected Adolf we would not have had to deal with World War II.

Do not let anyone tell you wrong, even if they do say negative comments about something you love to do stand up for yourself and always do what you enjoy doing!

Let yourself succeed in life and enjoy what you enjoy doing do not let anyone bring you down about the things you love or enjoy to do. Do not let someone tell you negative comments about your passion! Do not let negative comments stop you from doing what you want to do!

In this paragraph I learned that no race should be treated differently. While studying the holocaust, I learned that Adolf and the Nazi’s treated races in different ways. Let’s start with the Jews. Adolf despised Jews because of one Jew telling him he had not artistic skills whatsoever. So Adolf treated Jews worse than any other race. He treated Jews worse than Polish people, and treated Polish people better than Jews. Adolf tried to create a master race of blond hair and blue eyes. If someone did not have those characteristics of blond hair and blue eyes they were to be executed or worked to death and died a slow and painful death. Do not judge people by their negative comments, let that bad comment go away and move on.

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